Our approach
At Back on Track Cranial Center in Scotts Valley, CA, we take an eclectic approach to the diagnosis, treatment, co-management, and prevention of all neuromusculoskeletal (nerve, muscle, bone, and joint) disease and dysfunction as well as general wellness.
New patient preparation
At their first office visit, each new patient receives a specific examination consisting of a personal health history, review of systems, family history, complete history of complaint and a physical examination specific to the complaint. Wellness patients receive the same specialized care and initial exam. The physical examination tests range of motion, muscle function, nerve function, joint mobility and includes orthopedic testing.
Once the examination is complete the doctor spends additional time developing a diagnosis and plan of action to be communicated with the patient before treatment begins. Treatment can take up to 30 minutes per session where the patient will receive a personalized, specific treatment, such as spinal adjustments, cranial manipulation, extremity adjustments, soft tissue therapy, visceral organ therapy, and cryotherapy. We also offer stretching, diet and nutrition counseling as well as exercise and rehabilitation counseling.